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Purity – Cursed #3

Purity Mockup

Life comes full circle.

Nathan’s gone. Amelia’s locked away. Perdita’s trying to make her life go back to normal, but sometimes normal isn’t enough.

Perdita, Nathan, and Amelia have all separated and are struggling to figure out who they really are. Perdita’s father is still affected by the werewolf bite, Jakob Evans is still acting as though he’s lost his mind, and Vin is still out there, biding his time.

And just as the world seems to be healing itself, just as everything looks as though it might turn out right for a change, Vin plays his final hand, and everything changes for the last time.

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11 responses »

  1. I love this series! When is this book coming out?

  2. Pingback: Purity Release « Doing It Write Now

  3. Marie-Michell'e

    By chance when is this book going to be with barns an noble? So i can get it on the nook?

    • It usually takes a week or two to be picked up by B&N, but you could always get an epub file from Smashwords if you couldn’t wait. Thanks for asking. πŸ™‚

      • Marie-Michell'e

        Thank ill do that i cant waite that long ill go crazy i have to read the hole book today!!!! Cuz i have the womens conferce the next two day:( i reather read but im a leader there so ill have to read it to day πŸ™‚ thats ok with me cuz i know i will not put it down at all!

  4. This book is fantastic got it last night started it this morning and I’ve fully read it so glad to have finally read this one was gutted when I had to wait loved loads of ure books ure a great author and will definitely reads others you do xx

  5. These books are fantastic cant wait for the next one to come out. Finished reading the last three books in three days, I couldn’t put them down.


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